Script Blog

Scene 1: 28 seconds What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong beings playing. The song plays uninterrupted for 14 seconds. Narrator: "Though no large world conflicts are happening there are currently 110 active landmines around the world" 9 seconds. *10 seconds go by of panning over the small scene of a battlefield.* Scene 2: 26 seconds *The first firework goes off under the battlefield scattering the green army men.* Narrator: "Each of those landmines costs anywhere from 3 to 30 dollars, an average of 17 dollars a mine." 10 seconds pans over army men exploding for 16 seconds while What a wonderful world continues. Scene 3: 36 seconds Narrator: "In the year 2000 the United States approved the military to spend 320 Billion dollars in that year alone.." 10 seconds *Army men continue to explode for 8 seconds uninterrupted* Narrator: "By the year 2019 that budget from 2000 doubled to 686 Billion dollars." 10 seconds *The explosions continue for an...