Genre Research: Dunkirk

Dunkirk is a 2018 smash hit of a war movie showing the world the movies and battles of yesteryear with a new and interesting spin with out modern filming and cg.

Common CAMS in the movie
A lot of the shots in this movie are very uncomfortable it makes you feel weird and bad about what your seeing. Which is a very interesting way to film a movie. This is best seen with its opening sequence life of a bullet in which you take a pov of a bullet as its created and shipped out before it is used to kill a child solider.

Common CLAMPS in the movie 
The lighting in the movie is all digetic, due to the movie not wanting to seem fake. It wants to be real so that the user connects with the story more and believes that it is non-fiction or feels that it is. The costumes are natural clothing, alot of the protagonists wear suits due to them being business men,

Common Sound in the movie 
The sound is actually non digetic to get into the head of the main character through the narration he gives.

Common Editing in the movie 
The editing also gives an uncomfortable feel very long shots and quick cuts to new scenes or location.

Elements of the Genre in the movie 
The showing of war as a visceral and almost unplanned conflict.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? 
Personally I really really love the opening to the movie and am basing partly my movie on it, additionally I do really like how it does not justify war.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that do not appeal to you?
The overuse of hot trophy women in the movie especially in the africa section of the movie though its not anything too major.


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