Title Design Research: War

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones? 

During this opening sequence there are 7 titles that show up 6 of them being the names of the cast and crew.

What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel).

They make you feel mostly uncomfortable like your watching a horror act play out since you know how this is gonna end, someone’s gonna get shot.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is) 

You can tell what genre it is by the graphic use of guns and the fact that you are in fact a bullet, the technical aspects within let you see this by the fact that most of the films are in pov.

What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The opening is very visceral especially in its ending where someone gets shot additionally the opening to it tells what kind of movie it’s gonna be by circumventing your expectations by giving a terrible statistic then saying how can we make it worse.


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