Genre Choice blog

This is my blog for my choice of Genre for the movie. I was choosing between super hero movies, Spy movies and War movies. The reason I didn’t choose superhero movies is because of practical limitations. I cannot use 3d rendering green screens or 3d editing. That makes it very hard to actually make it look like superpowers are there. I additionally dont have the budget for those wacky costumed heroes normally wear. The only thing I could make with super heroes is a parody movie. Past that the other movie Idea I did not go with was spy movies. Spy movies are mainly due to availability and iconography. The iconography is to say the least not ok. The alcoholic and sexual undertones of the genre simply would not work in a school setting. Due to it being so integral to the genre I don't think there is a way to stop it. Additionally while guns are not disallowed in out current world climate it might not be the best plan for realistic guns. Through process of elimination you can most likely discern which genre im doing. Ultimately I have decided to do War movies. Ultimately they are the simplest genre to do. The plan around guns is to use green army men as the actors so that the guns are obviously fake. Ultimately I plan to use the song what a wonderful world. Ultimately I do believe that the war movie genre is the best for a solo project.


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