Title Website Research

Whenever I saw this blo I decided to research title websites.

Amazingly I found two of them which are very useful.

One of them is called https://www.watchthetitles.com/.

It is a website in which movie openings have the title at the end play.

It has multiple sections on the website for different openings.

It has Feature films, TV shows, Event TItles, Student Projects, Video Games, French Friday.

The one I need the most is the feature film section.

In that section, it says this quote.

From the groundbreaking to the obscure, from Hollywood blockbusters to indie flicks, this expanding collection covers some of the most ingenious Main Titles ever created for the silver screen.

When you scroll down it has a lot of rectangle movie titles that you can click on.

If you click the title it takes you to a video player.

When you click the video player it shows the opening to whatever movie you choose on the initial screen.

This seems like a great website for my movie convention research

The other website I found is https://www.artofthetitle.com/.

This one is slightly different from watching the titles.

When you open this one up on the front page it shows the 2021 Emmy nominations for main title designs.

When you go to the top there is a drop-down list that says designers +studios.

It brings you to a list of movie designers and movie studios and when you click on them you can see the different titles they've worked on.

While this does not show opening sequences it still seems like a good source for titles.

Ultimately I am very happy that I was able to find these two different very very useful websites.


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