Editing Blog #2

  Today I learned that Imovie absolutely is the best.

I started by attempting to edit the movie on moviepro off the app store.

Failed you couldn't add music effectively.

So I went on to the next website.

That failed too even though I was using my good computer it couldn't correctly render. So I tried adobe premier pro. Another roadblock wih that insane subscription service price. So I tried to pirate the service and it just did no work whatsoever at all. Ultimately even though I couldn't find a way to add credits in Imovie yet. I defeatedly returned to the program Only to learn that you could in fact add text to scenes. This was like the second coming of christ. In editing form I hard popped off and went back to editing in the refilmed scenes. Took a bit of messing around but, I eventually got it down and continued on my editing way.


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