Preperations and Precautions (Filming Blog)
Today I began the necessary steps to prepare to film. I arranged it with a friend who does not have media studies. He isn't in the class but, he was the only guy who would do it. We decided to film it at his house since it is slightly easier for us to do so. His house also matched my idea for what the location should look like much more than my own. Additionally, I finished work on the book prop. I also had prepared for what times of day I'm gonna have to film. I should be able to start filming this Saturday. The music video editing should be able to be done on Sunday.
Past that stuff, I have high hopes for this project. The music video should have some very good cinematography quality. Even though this is my first time doing something like this. Though working on this class has gotten harder and harder as I have to take off focus to work on my other classes. It's very unfortunate and hopefully, I can get back on track. As of now though my schedule is starting to spiral out of control. I find myself staying up late working on different projects some for work some for school. I find myself waking up tired and only being half awake during the day. In the classes, I do classwork in I find myself passing a lot more. Though more recently I've been being more lethargic during school hours.
Recently I've gotten headaches and I've just had a bad time but, that's sort of irrelevant. I just hope my Lethargy doesn't seep into this video.
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