Filming Fun (Filming Blog)

 Today I began and finished filming. My friend came over to my house and we got it finished up quickly. Unfortunately,

there were interruptions during it so in editing I will have to just mute it in post. Additionally, due to the horrible weather, the lighting did not play as much of a prominent role in filming. Nevertheless, we got it done. Mirror shots were especially hard since due to refraction it requires a very odd angle. Unfortunately, my friend almost fell down working on high angles.

Though, overall it was a generally fun and good experience. Generally, some issues in my opinion, in editing, is correctly layering the audio over the mute video. Making the video seem a lot more natural generally fluent by making cuts that don't feel awkward. Slowing down the video so it seems longer. Since I didn't get the full 1 minute + I needed, I should be able to just slow it down and reach the intended time. The video seems a lot worse from the expected outcome, in my opinion. I am sure, do hope, I can salvage the original vision. As of now, I'm not sure if it will live it to the expected or needed quality.


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