StoryBoarding Blog

 Scene 1: Its a close up overhead pan of the camera on the actor. The actor is sitting down and when the camera finishes a pan it does a fade away cut to Scene 2. This Scene takes 3 seconds in total.

Scene 2: Is a setting shot of the track in which the camera pans from right to left showing it off. After the setting shot is over we do a jump cut to Scene 3. This scene takes for seconds. The Commercial is 7 seconds now.

Scene 3: It is a Tracking shot of the actor running down the track moving at an average pace. It then leads into Scene 4 naturally without any cut. The scene takes 5 seconds leaving us at 12 seconds now.

Scene 4: This scene happens directly after scene 3 and right after the tracking shot of the run. It does a low angle shot of the actor leaning over and looking down panting to recover from the run. They then take out a Monster Energy Drink and drink it. This scene takes 9 seconds leaving us at 21 seconds

Scene 5:  They then pick up and continue running this time at a faster pace which. The speed is shown off with a long shot instead of a tracking shot. then it does a fade out to Scene 6. This scene takes 5 seconds leaving us at 26 seconds.

Scene 6: Is a image of the monster energy logo and unleash the beast and is the ending of the commercial. This scene takes 4 seconds wrapping up and leaving us at 30 seconds.

Locations: The only location for these shots is the football/track field.


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