Planning Blog
The Props for this commercial are as follows.
A can of monster energy. (Any Flavor or Kind)
A long metal Bench. (Can be found at the Track/Gym/Weight Room)
A Tennis Racket. (Brought from home)
A Tennis Ball. (Brought from home)
The Costume is made up of the following things.
Monster energy shirt. (Optional)
Green or Black athle
tic shirt (If no monster energy shirt)
Athletic shorts. (From home)
Running shoes. (From home)
Location List
The Following Locations will bs used.
The entrance of the track near the benches. (If it is not raining or another class is there)
The Baseball field (If the Track is occupied and it is not raining)
The Gymnasium. (If it is raining or another class is occupying the track.)
The Weight room. (If it is raining and both the Gym and field are occupied)

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