Group Blog
I will be working alone on the commercial.
At first I believed I would work on it partnering up with the person who sits directly in front of me in class.
Complications came when I get home and my parents informed me I was doing too many group projects.
I spoke to my tutor and they recommended I do it alone so I decided to do it alone.
Past that the only reason I did not do it in a group was that I quite didn't need much help past just remembering what to do on my blogs.
For my actual project I plan on making a commercial which makes more sense alone.
I think it especially makes sense alone since monster energy what I'm making it about.
I believe I'm making it about monster energy drink and from what I've seen form monster most of its commercials are done by 1 person and sometimes 2.
I am not artistic enough to do storyboards so they will be very very simple but, that is a risk im more than willing to take over just getting a bad group member.
Similarly I have realized doing a project alone does remove the ability for me or my parents to move the accountability for failure onto someone else and I count that as a win.
I also find that I work much better alone.
When I do normally work with a group I rely on my member too much and get lazy.
I also have a problem with joking around too much and not doing work.
Similarly I just think doing it alone allows me to work on my other work in conjunction.
Also scheduling with a partner to meet is extremely hard.
Also it provides complications with if they are absent on the day of the project.
Past that one hiccup I have is that I wonder if we can use actors outside of the class.
Though generally in the long run I think that not having a partner will only help.
I also am very very bad at keeping up with due dates and have a very wierd and messed up schedule so its just better to do alone.
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